Adelaide Real - A Guide To Getting Your Fit Together.

Jason Cohen - Lasting change comes from making a choice to put yourself and your health first.



"Lasting change comes from making a choice to put yourself and your health first. Every day you have to make a decision to choose the life that you want and you are the only one that can make that decision for yourself" Jason CohenThis weeks guest is Jason Cohen. Jason is a Filmmaker, Photographer and Ultra Runner who changed his life through adopting a plant based diet and embarking on a fitness and wellness journey. In the process he met others who were doing the same and this inspired him to share their stories - Big Change The Movie is the result of Jason's drive to share these inspirational stories and show others what is possible - the movie should be out in early 2019 (see links below for trailer and further details).Jason Cohen can be found here:Web site Real can be found here:FaceBook