Adelaide Real - A Guide To Getting Your Fit Together.

Jon Mitchell - Alcohol abuse, recovery and inspiring others through health and fitness.



This week Paul speaks with Jon Mitchell from STFU Fitness. Jon is a recovering alcoholic who has drastically changed his life and the life of others through health and fitness. Jon describes sobering up as not something that just happens. It's not about hoping for the best, or thinking there's a magical cure, or trusting that others will be there when you fall (some will but most won't). Sobering up is about accepting your addictions precisely as they are; damaging, uncontrollable, unhealthy, deadly and relentless. It's about committing to the betterment of your life. No matter what.People will disappear, your body will change, your environment will mutate, your moods will be all over the place. It's ok, it's a better buzz than any drink or drug out there; to wake up totally sober and clean, to say hi to family and friends without wondering who you hurt or which relationship you damaged the night before - to not need anything but a glance in the mirror to tell yourself you're awesome.Jon Mitchell can be found