Adelaide Real - A Guide To Getting Your Fit Together.

Luke Swalling - The challenge of long term lifestyle change is real but achievable.



This weeks guest is Luke Swalling. Luke is a listener, 100 Club Member and has been a wonderful supporter of the podcast and my journey to better health from day one but he also struggling with achieving better outcomes for his own health and fitness. In this episode we talk about the challenges that regular people have trying to make lasting change and healthy choices. It's not as easy as completing a 7 day abs or 6 week transformation challenge for most of us, it's an ongoing challenge. We go deep on our own thoughts and struggles with our weight and how we are moving forward to improve but we also delve into our failures, frustrations and excuses for not succeeding.I appreciate Luke's openness and honesty and we hope you can take something from this episode that helps you in moving forward with your journey to getting your fit together.Luke can be found here:Instagram Real can be found here:Instagram https://www