Adelaide Real - A Guide To Getting Your Fit Together.

Paul McWilliam interviewed by Alex da Silva from the Happy as Larry Group - Feel Good Show



In this episode I share my interview when I was a guest on the Happy as Larry Group Feel - Good Show Podcast with Alex da Silva. Alex has a wonderful podcast where he interviews people from all walks of life and gets to the nub of what makes them tick. I was delighted to be a guest and I thank Alex for allowing me to share this interview with my audience. Please check out his podcast and Facebook page for more information about Alex and his Happy as Larry Group - link in notes below.We discuss my journey to date and how I became a Podcaster but more importantly I able to share some insights gained from my own journey and the wonderful guests who have given so freely of their time and expertise.Happy as Larry Group - Feel Good Show Podcast available on all great Podcast appsHappy as Larry Group - Real Facebook Page - Real Instagram page -