Adelaide Real - A Guide To Getting Your Fit Together.

Kym McGuinness - From 142kg (313lbs) to 100kg (220lbs) through Gastric Sleeve surgery



In his late 50's Kym McGuinness was 40+ kgs (100lbs) overweight and struggling with chronic knee pain in both knees which made exercising extremely difficult. He required surgery to replace both knees but the surgeon made it clear his chances of a successful result would be greatly hindered by being so overweight. He made the decision to undergo Gastric Sleeve surgery to lose the weight required because he knew he would struggle to lose the weight through exercise and diet.Kym acknowledges that this is not a course of action for everyone but he knew himself and felt that it was his best chance to lose the required weight and regain his health. He is now able to exercise without pain, he only needed to have his right knee replaced and he now watches his diet and is loving his more active and healthy lifestyle.