Adelaide Real - A Guide To Getting Your Fit Together.

Earl Nelson: This Is Not Simple, It's A Daily Decision And Grind.



On today's episode Paul chats with Earl Nelson, @trinity_fitness16.2 on Instagram, a 37 year old native of Maplewood, New Jersey in the United States. Nine years ago Earl tipped the scales at approximately 370 pounds (167kg), he now tips the scales at a ripped 225lbs (102kg). Earl's journey to better health and fitness hasn't been easy with a few ups and downs along the way but as Earl says "It's a daily decision and grind" but you just make the decision every day to get the work done.Since his transformation Earl has dedicated himself to helping others improve their health and fitness. He understands that we are all different and respond to different methods of training and diet but he believes we all need to know why we want to change and then once we now our why it's your mindset that will be the key to your success. Earl believes you have to commit, you can't sit on the fence, you are either committed to change or you are not.A common theme among our guests is that they don't sugar coat the weighloss chal