Angry Devas Radio Show

Angry Devas Radio Show: Revealing the Acts of Faith in jealous bitterness



So in all that.... faith decided to attack me using her platform. To faith here is what I say:  Use your platform to monetize and make money. So you can afford the new clothes, the weight loss, the travel and all the things you jealous of me for. Instead of using your platform for this shyt.  Now I hit love on it. Cuz I LOVE THIS KINDA SHYT! Bw always wanna attack and act gully over nothing. Look at my comment tell me why it warranted this.  It did not. This is the reaction of a JEALOUS woman. Jealously watching my life and hateful of how much I enjoy it.  Im problematic cuz I cuss bytches out when they try me. I’m problematic cuz I make money. I’m problematic cuz I’m married and do as I please as a Goddess.  And you JEALOUS AS FUCK SIS! Get on the level baby. When you been in the game for over a decade, like faith. And you’re broke. Your work makes you no money. Your platform doesn’t increase you at all. You stuck. Prolly don’t even HAVE a passport let alone get the opportunity to travel and LIVE ABROAD