Gypsy After Hours With Danielle Mercurio

Sacred Self Care with Jess Naim



This week, on the final episode of the Friendsgiving Series, Danielle interviews Jess Naim. Jess shares her thoughts on starting her spiritual and healing work while still working her “nine-to-five,” and talks about her relationship with her body, and discusses the importance of play and pleasure. Jess is a Philadelphia based Intuitive, Energy Practitioner, Fashion Designer, Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. In regards to her work, Jess says, “It is my honor to work with people on a Soul level, aligning the Bodies Energy Centers to release and Transform limiting patterns. Modalities used are a combination of EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Soul Reunion Work, Inner Child Integration, PsychK, Mudra Therapy and Dimensional Healing.  I help people to rewrite their belief system to connect to the Truth in their Heart and bring Peace to the past, so they have the Freedom to be their authentic thriving selves. I believe that with Loving Grace, dedication and PLAY we can find the Liberation we long for. This has been a lifelon