In Tha Name A' Gawd! - Irish Podcast

ING 19 'Freed from Islam' Part 1, with Mostafa Nowroozi Rezvani, Iran



'Freed from Islam' Part 1, with Mostafa Nowroozi Rezvani, Iran  ------------------------ Mostafa was born into a devout Muslim family in north eastern Iran.  He came to the UK to study as a young man and led many friends and girlfriends into Islam.  He hated Jews, Christians – and Muslims, also!  But he still had a fear of death and of going to hell.   As his latest girlfriend rejected his Muslim religion and became involved in a Spirit-filled church, he witnessed miracles in her life that caused him to reach out to Jesus – and then Jesus himself appeared to him. (Mostafa died in April 2017) Website: Contact via Kingdom Come Trust ------------------------ Includes NEWS from 'Bread NEWS International' and music from: Simon Fox, (British Columbia, Canada) – 'Mapping the Paddocks', (A Winter's Tale); Janet Bates, (Oregon, USA) – 'He was Born', (The Little Spinner); Raggle Taggle, (California, USA) &ndash