Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: The Tarnished Silver Edition



Welcome to the newest edition of WIIM Radio. We’re back with J.J., Kyle, and Prashanth talking all things Wings. Here’s what we got up to: The Babcock Fallout - we went in-depth on how much it shakes things to think back on what recent news does to our opinions on the team during what we thought were pretty golden years. The Team as it Stands - With the Wings mired in Stench, we go in depth about what can be done to move forward and whether the fire Blashill calls would satisfy long or short term goals. What's best with Zadina - Should he stay or should he go? How best to develop the youngster and to ensure the team can afford him when he is developed. Prashanth brings and interesting argument in favor of burning this ELC year. Reader Questions - Ever wondered about robot brains and Rat King from TMNT? You will! (We couldn’t get detailed timestamps done for this episode, but we will try to bring them back for next time. ) You can listen via the embedded player above or download from your favorite podcasting a