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Should a Comic Writer Get a Literary Agent? [MasterMind Session]



Professional comic writer Erica Schultz looks for feedback from a mastermind of creator peers on the advantages of getting a literary agent to represent her work and tips for finding one. Highlights of This Session Include: How might an agent help push ones career forward?How to go about finding a literary agent beyond what the blogs say to do?How different is it to work for a traditional publisher creating graphic novels vs a comic book publisher? Plus: One messy thing Tyler will be up to this Christmas break! This Session is Sponsored by: If you would you like to meet once a month with a group of serious, like-minded creators to talk about your projects and creative business for mutual support and accountability this year, go to and get on the interest list. New Groups will be forming in December and start meeting in January 2020! In the Mastermind Hotseat Today: Erica Schultz is a comic book writer best known for 2018’s DAREDEVIL Annual and