B Is For Being

034: Understanding Ourselves by Looking at the People We Admire



When we are born we aren’t given a manual which tells us the person that we are. No one else can tell us the unique things we hold inside of ourselves or how we feel like expressing it. Knowing these things is part of the process of self-discovery. Today I’d like to share a tool with you that has made it much easier for me to dive into myself and discover my inherent ways of being and expression. The tool itself is just a simple list of the people you admire. However, instead of stopping there, by looking more closely at exactly which aspects of a person we admire we can learn which part of us is admiring those parts in them. In this episode I share with you the people I admire at the moment and go through the process of identifying exactly what it is I admire about each of them. Knowing what we admire in others puts us in a position to be able to make more energising and fulfilling decisions for ourselves more often. Join me as I go through my own discovery process using this tool.