B Is For Being

031: The Expectations We Place on Our Creativity and Making Space for the Creative Voice – A Talk With Luna Ma Narama (Part 1)



Luna is a poet and multidisciplinary artist who has worked across the fields of theater, puppetry, design, film and even circus. This little list only covers a portion of her creative experiences. From an early age she was expressing complex emotions, like the emotion of confusion, using water colour paints. She is no stranger to the creative journey and the different challenges and obstacles which can arise along the way. We sat down and talked about finding the balance between self-time and social-time, how to manage the expectations we we bring to our own creative process, and some of the ways we can make space for our unique creative voice to come through. This is Part 1 of my talk with Luna. Stay tuned for Part 2 which will be up next week.