B Is For Being

028: The Gift of Listening and 30 Days of Dancing in Public – A Talk with Elliot



Elliot is continually stepping out into the unknown and challenging his comfort zone. He does this seemingly unaffected by the judgements and beliefs of others. I asked about the earlier years of his life and he shared with me that things haven’t always been like this. As a kid he was cut down for asking too many questions and experienced rejection from others when sharing his early video projects. As a result he stopped sharing himself with others. But overtime he’s managed to step outside external judgements and beliefs and express himself with even more freedom and authenticity. We look at how we can give the gift of listening to each other; how Elliot steps outside his comfort zone, and his latest project - 30 Days of Dance - which involves him dancing in public everyday for a month, making himself vulnerable for all to see and encouraging others to join him in this open form of expression.