B Is For Being

023: How My Parents Let Me Down and Why It Was Never Their Fault



A raw look at two of the biggest limiting beliefs my parents passed on to me and the tools I used to discover they weren't to blame. As kids we were around our parents almost everyday. We looked to our parents on how to relate to the world around us, and just like a thirsty sponge we soaked up everything they showed us - both the good and the bad. We watched our parents go through their own struggles and took note (usually sub-consciously) of how they reacted to certain situations, certain people and certain  feelings they were experiencing. But why would our parents show us things which would make our lives harder and healthy connections with others more difficult? Why would our parents treat themselves and others poorly in certain situations? These were the questions I had as I began to dig deeper and deeper into my negative reactions which were causing trouble in my own relationships with others. Show Highlights and Takeaways Our parents have given us a lot of helpful positive beliefs and also