Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks

Insight of No-Self



July 26, 2013. 90-minute dharma talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh from New Hamlet of Plum Village during the 2013 Summer Opening. This is the twelfth talk of the summer. The bell of mindfulness. In a short talk for children, this is something Thay wants us to bring home with us when you leave Plum Village. This can help to bring peace to the family. He then tells the story of Henry who was a math teacher in Toronto, Canada. How to be a bell master - Thay provides concise instructions for inviting the bell. The main talk begins at 31-minutes. Karma, retribution, reincarnation teachings have been around a very long time. Before the Buddha. But this is not at the heart of Buddhist teaching. It is the insight of no-self. Teaching on the actor. Impermanence. Sameness and otherness. To illustrate, we hear the story of a serial killer at the time of the Buddha who then joined the sangha. Transformation. The self is only made of non-self elements. We don't need to be dogmatic and caught by words - er can say "self" t