Wilson Waffling

190: Not a bucket, just a small pail list?



Before you read or listen any further I would just like to reassure you that I am not dying! When you are young and living life to the full, you never really have time to stop and think, what do I actually wish to do with my life. When I say that, I am not referring to getting a job or settling down in a cottage by the edge of a lake. I'm referring to those adventurous things like throwing yourself off a bridge with an elastic band attached to your ankles - hopefully firmly! Or even sailing around the world in a plastic dinghy with only a blogging camera for technology. Well those examples are maybe slightly extreme - well the second one definitely, but these adventures we could put together in a list that we would like to complete in the future. Well since I over fifty now, I thought it was about time I made a list of the three things I would like to achieve which I would call adventurous. Tagging it as a bucket list would be inappropriate so here is my small pail list for the near future!