Still Under Wraps

The Trip



Oh. Oh dear. Sorry, Dear Listener. We made a BIG Mistake! Our high credibility rating is in tatters! This may well be our last episode after the fiasco that is... The Trip Episode! Join in the fun by joining the Facebook Group Still Under Wraps ; a search on Facebook should find it, or you can grab this cumbersome link: Find our current Leader Board and guesses so far for "What's on the Shelf?" at And if you want to listen to Thomas do his own unauthorised spin-off Podcast discussing (maybe) the exact same viewing of this film, sign up to Uninhibited Meat Noises  (if only to find out why it's called that!) at Colin uses the My Movies app to keep track of his DVDs and Blu-rays, and to filter and select those that are "Still Under Wraps". Check it out here: