Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Snowflake Obsidian: A Crystal for Balance & Courage



A Crystal Message about the healing properties of Snowflake Obsidian: "I create sacred space in my home to recharge and rejuvenate myself when I'm feeling out of alignment."     Common Healing Properties of Snowflake Obsidian: Protects you from negative energy by blocking it from entering your auric field Reveals the truth in any situation Exposes areas of oneself that need growth and development Facilitates past life ascension and regression Keeps you grounded and centered Shields you from electromagnetic pollution Banishes negative energy from your environment Brings peace and calming Encourages living in a virtuous manner Encourages personal growth Instills determination Facilitates communication with one’s guides and angels Increases courage Stimulates intuition Facilitates compassion Reduces arthritis pain Detoxifies the physical body Helps you maintain proper circulation Brings balance to the mind, body, and spirit Encourage independence   Colors: Black wit