Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Sacred Self Care & Opening to Your Soul’s Calling: An Interview with Cristin Smith



Hi everyone, and welcome! I am super excited today to be interviewing the amazing Cristin Smith at Saffron and Sage about sacred self care and finding your soul's calling.             Ashley Leavy: So, Cristin, thank you so much for being here to talk about sacred self care and opening your soul's calling with us. Cristin Smith: You're welcome. Thanks for having me! Ashley: I'm really excited about this interview because I think your business is a little bit different to anything else that we've really featured on the podcast before. You have such an amazing combination of products and classes and events. It's really exciting for me to speak with someone who's also in the health and wellness industry. You do so much. Would you mind taking a couple of minutes to introduce yourself to everyone and tell them a little bit about Saffron and Sage? Cristin: Absolutely! So, I'm Cristin Smith. I am the founder and owner of Saffron and Sage. We are a holistic health club located in Little Italy here in the he