In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Racing Toward the Future at Sake of the Present



Show #109, Hour 1 | Guest: Hal Niedzviecki is a writer, speaker and teacher. His work is known for challenging preconceptions and confronting readers with the offenses of everyday life. He writes and thinks about the effects of mass media, pop culture and consumer technology on individual life and society. He is the author of books of nonfiction and fiction, most recently the collection of short stories Look Down, This is Where it Must Have Happened (City Lights Books) and the nonfiction books Trees On Mars: Our Obsession with the Future (Seven Stories Press) and The Peep Diaries: How We’re Learning to Love Watching Ourselves and Our Neighbors (City Lights Books). Niedzviecki is the current fiction editor and the founder of Broken Pencil, the magazine of zine culture and the independent arts. | Show Summary: Author and futurist Hal Niedzviecki discusses today’s obsession with getting to the future first and challenges it presents today’s culture and society.