Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Neurodegeneration: A network of networks of networks with Dr David Haase



According to Dr David Haase, a keynote speaker at the 2015 BioCeuticals Research Symposium, the human body is a network of networks of networks. As a functional neurologist, Dr Haase is mindful of this fact when treating patients with neurodegenerative disease. He goes on to explain the difficulty faced when trying to influence someones health by addressing a single target of influence. Rather, a multidirectional, iterative approach, incorporating dietary changes and judicious supplementation is typically required, which can influence a whole host of biomolecules that interface with the body. In this podcast interview, David Haase explores the predisposing factors of neurodegenerative diseases and the functional clinical strategies he adopts when addressing these underlying causes of neurodegeneration in his patients.