This Month In Hiv

The First Man to Be Cured of AIDS: An Update on the Amazing Story



Last fall, newspapers around the world featured headlines about the case of a 42-year-old, HIV-positive man who was living in Berlin. Or, at least, he used to be HIV positive. He also had leukemia -- before a risky stem cell transplant not only treated the leukemia, but also made the man the first (and thus far only) person ever to be cured of his HIV infection. Our guide through this remarkable story is Jeffrey Laurence, M.D., the chief scientist at amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, and one of the most prominent HIV physician/researchers in the United States. Dr. Laurence talks us through the details and lays out the steps we need to take before we can succeed in our relentless search to cure HIV not just in one man, but in all HIV-positive people.