How's Your Epresence? With Mark Galvin

S3 E9 "How's your ePresence?" with guest Eric Vardon



Artificial intelligence - what does the term mean to you? Does it bring confusion? Fear? Excitement about new possibilities? On this podcast, Mark, from ePresence, and Eric Vardon discuss practical ways artificial intelligence can help you market your business and be more efficient. Also, on the agenda: defining the key to leadership success, whether you are an employee, in middle management, or a CEO. Eric Vardon is an accomplished tech entrepreneur, C-Suite executive, contributor at Forbes Agency Council, and an advisor. On this episode he focuses on his experience with start-ups and a game changer in the AI technology realm called Morphio. “Artificial intelligence helps our new entrepreneur friends. There’s a new way- you don’t have to hire a bunch of people anymore; you can advertise for yourself a little at a time online and monitor what’s successful and what isn’t.” Some keywords from today’s chat AI (Artificial Intelligence) Digital Marketing Grit (YouTube) Entrepreneur Social Media Advertising Social