Bleeding Ink

[Constance Hale] In which we confess our sins



Constance Hale is a delight. An honest, heart-warming delight. She projects a buoyant, youthful energy that inspires me to keep placing pen to paper (or fingers to keys) no matter the brain strain. She’s a pat on the back and a gentle nudge out of the nest. “You have wings. Take flight. Soar. Write.” She also endures. While most may view her vast readership as an enviable success, she struggles with Peak Content like most writers. Words are “cheap.” Publishing doesn’t pay. This realization forced her to reconsider her career, but she stuck with it, stayed frosty and hitched to the love of her life. She chose writing over a fancier car. She chose more ingenious means to generate income with writing as the fuel. Her book Sin and Syntax took my feeble grip of English and tightened it like a vice. It is among my most highly recommended books on learning how to write well, to write with moxie and shake things up. It allows me to be wicked while good, mischievous while remarkable. She taught me to how to captiva