Gracious Vine Ministry

You are Living Stones - Audio



What are Living stones? Precious and Semi-precious crystals, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, tourmalines. These are often equated with believers as a unified yet diversified grouping, seen 1st in the breastplate of the High Priest in Exodus as they & last as the Foundation stones of the New Jerusalem which represents the Bride of Christ. The reason they are called living stones, is because crystals grow through various processes of vaporization and depositing of various minerals. One very interesting aspect of Crystals are their colors, many reds, greens, blues, purples, yellows, even multicolored....this gives them their splendor, beauty and appeal. Minerals or other impurities are infused into the crystal molecules. This speaks to me of how our different our situations, good bad and ugly have played into our understanding of God’s mercy and forgiveness. His Salvation is colored differently for each of us...That diversity helps us to better understand the manifold, multi-faceted s