James And Michael On Games

James and Michael on Games - Fallout 3 and DAO



Michael Lucas-Smith and I are fans of a number of video games - we both like Fallout 3 quite a bit, for instance. Since we end up talking about the games we play so much, we thought it might be fun to do a podcast on the subject - so here it is, episode 1 of "James and Michael on Games". We aren't sure what kind of schedule we'll be keeping to yet, but we plan to release regularly. We're looking forward to Fallout: New Vegas enough that we might do a more frequent update on our impressions of the game. If that happens, it'll come out under a separate podcast feed. In this podcast, we talk about Fallout 3 and Dragon Age: Origins - the plot, game play, things we liked, things we didn't like. We have a lot more to talk about - there are plenty of other games we like! To listen now, you can either download the mp3 edition, or the Ogg Vorbis edition. You can subscribe to the MP3 edition in iTunes using this feed. I'll be submitting the feed to Apple's iTunes store for a listing there, but