Beyond Blind Spots

Three Things You Probably Don't Know About Intellectual Property, but Should



Forget the work/life balance! That paradigm actually puts work and life in opposition to each other-the implication being that in order for one to go up, the other must come down; a constant trade-off.

Isn't it time for a more holistic view, a fresh perspective that helps us integrate, then express the best of ourselves through our work? If you believe there is a way to do what you love, love what you do, serve the planet and make money at it, this program is for you!

The mission of Beyond Blind Spots is to help listeners move the things you can't see or don't recognize that are preventing you from accomplishing your goals. Blind spots can be hidden anywhere-in a mission, strategies, process, behavior, attitudes or beliefs. The great news is that blind spots are filled with potential that can be brought into focus to create what you desire-if you know how to recognize it.

This program is especially great for: Entrepreneurs, Solo-preneurs, Coaches, Consultants, Creatives, Holistic Practitioners, Healers, Speakers and Teachers.

This program is sponsored by Beyond Blind Spots and Holistic Health Practice.

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