Nion Radio With Nick Onken

80 Five Tips on Setting Expectations



  You’ve got to decide what makes sense for you and that you feel good going into it. Setting expectations is all about clear communication, and it’s something that I’m still learning. Expectations are like ground rules in the game - once everyone is clear then you don’t have to deal with a lot of issues later. They’ll save you so much headache and unnecessary conflict later. Today I’m sharing my top five tips to help you set expectations for your creative projects so that you can focus on your art while pleasing the client at the same time. I like to set expectations that I can exceed as much as I can. Some things we learn in this podcast: Get clear on what all parties want [2:25] Find your sweet spot [2:45] You have to be careful of jobs where people say they’ll promote you [3:30] Get clear on what you’re going to give [4:30] Make sure you get it everyone’s expectations in writing [5:40] Get written confirmation of receipt [6:50] Under promise and over deliver [7:55] Links mentioned: Mu