Master Griot / Nbbta Radio

The Revival of The Master Griot Project - Episode 1



Master Griot / NBBTA Radio is the voice of The Master Griot Project™. The Master Griot Project™ [MGP] is a marketing initiative to help develop a viable spoken word industry within the entertainment industry. MGP targets those who are not in the typical poetry crowd. Our goal is to converting the non-poetry audience into spoken word advocates. Outside of creative product development that will demistfy the current linear perceptions of spoken word, MGP creates strategic partnerships among spoken word artists and the small business community. To be successful in this mission, MGP needs poets to promote, showcase, and sell their works online which provides global access to and experience of "the word." So, today we talk about strategically promoting poetic works within the Master Griot Radio Facebook group. Post Your Poetic Works Here: LIKE US HERE US HERE