Still Under Wraps

The Visitor



"Flaunt is to show off, but flout is to ignore the rules. Rebels do both — they flaunt their new pink motorcycles by popping a wheelie, and flout the law by running a red light. The problem is that people use flout to mean flaunt. If you mix up the words in the sentences above, the meaning changes." flaunt vs. flout : Choose Your Words : In what could be their most controversial episode ever, Colin and Thomas are thrown a curve ball by this weeks movie, and they discuss the mystery of the disappearing "What's on the Shelf" suggestion for this week. If that isn't click-bait enough for you, I'm going to have to outsource the writing of these things! Join in the fun by joining the Facebook Group Still Under Wraps; a search on Facebook should find it, or you can grab this cumbersome link: Find our current Leader Board and guesses so far for "What's on the Shelf?" at And if you want to listen to Thomas do hi