Greetings From Allentown

154. WWF Superstars 07-20-1996



In the shadow of the NWO lighting WCW on fire, the WWF keeps chugging along with this edition of Superstars from July 20, 1996! - The quiet building of Stone Cold Steve Austin between his King of the Ring win and start of feud with Bret Hart - A detailed examination of Hunter Hearst Helmsley’s “punishment” for the MSG Curtain Call - The Goon debuts in the WWF with some great costuming - Embarassment is shared over involvement in an e-fed in the early 90s - What has to be done to replace the Ultimate Warrior with Sid - Camp Cornette’s place in the list of awesome trios groups - In Your House: International Incident: hidden gem of a show? Plus: - Dok Hendrix and the singing of the Superstars theme - Taking a car in for service leads to a weekend long odyssey - Another look at Vince McMahon laughs through the years - Pitching a Sycho Sid sitcom Email: Twitter: twitter,com/GFAllentownPod