Greetings From Allentown

153. World Championship Wrestling 01-21-1989



The Horsemen needed help on how to train your Dragon on this edition of World Championship Wrestling from January 21, 1989! - Ricky Steamboat returns to the NWA and has Ric Flair’s number - Eddie Gilbert’s role in Steamboat-Flair as a shining moment - Michael Hayes rides solo and brings to mind a famous movie character from the 90s - Kevin Sullivan’s accent: great accent or the greatest accent? - Jack Victory as the utility masked man - Butch Reed returns leading to a call to question all references to wrestlers’ football careers Plus: - Thoughts on the late Kobe Bryant - Taking a trip to Rhode Island to see (part of) the Royal Rumble - What exactly constitutes a “Gamesmaster”? - More YouTube shenanigans - Vinnie Vegas Corner limps to the finish with Super Bowl LIV Email: Twitter: @GFAllentownPod