Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing



I’ve developed the Crystal Immersion Method ™ of teaching, specifically to help you deepen your crystal knowledge and spiritual development through 3 key pillars of training.     I know from experience that developing these 3 key areas is important for all spiritual seekers. Intuition, Compassion, and confidence all play a role in creating a strong foundation for your work as a crystal healer. Each part of this Crystal Immersion Method focuses on one of these 3 pillars to help prepare you for your journey ahead. It’s my hope that by developing these pillars within yourself, you’ll be better able to connect with your crystals, develop your healing skills, and feel more comfortable and confident when working with your stones. Pillar #1: Intuition Developing your intuition is the first pillar you need to master in order to deepen your connection to your crystals and the world around you. When you’re tuned in intuitively, you receive the messages the universe has for you and can act upon that guidance. Learnin