Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: A Crystal for Creative Flow



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: "I go with the flow and am easily able to tap into the limitless energy of my creativity." Common Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: Promotes physical grounding Enhances your connection to the physical realm Helps you draw what you need from the limitless Universal energy that surrounds you Reduces negativity Encourages creativity Helps you appreciate your sense of humor Allows you to go with the flow, even during difficult times Enhances your divine feminine power Promotes protection Encourages stability Harmonizes your Yin & Yang energies Enhances physical strength Balances positive and negative emotions Assists you while you work with universal forces and energies in magic and ritual Colors: Swirly, translucent bands of red-orange, gray, and white Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral) Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Aries Elements: Water, Fire Companion Flowers: Red Dahlia