I.t. Sucks Podcast

A Valentine to the BTS Family!



This month we share the love with our BTS family. Staff members answered some poll questions and we're sharing some of the answers, and for some, in their own voice! It's a great way to get to know our stellar team!  To learn more about us, visit www.btsmaine.com  Questions? Email podcast@btsmaine.com Below are the full poll answers for most of the staff!   In celebration of our 30th year in business, we circulated a poll amongst the staff to get a little insight into their history, experience and interests. Now in our 35th year, we thought we’d pass it around again. The results are below. (also – find a link below to our most recent podcast episode, where you can hear many of the BTS family answer in their own voice!     Cindy G:   How long have you worked at Burgess? 22 years  How long have you worked in Technology? 22 years  What is something you enjoy about working at Burgess? I love the people, both customers and employees  What is something you enjoy about working in technology? Convenienc