School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#10 The Common Denominators Of Disaster



The common thread of how people end up at rock bottom.  How do people's lives crumble and ultimately lead to the giant train wreck at the end of the tunnel?  The cause has been around since humans first began. Juvenal, a Roman poet, was alive for the downfall of Rome and wrote about the pitfalls in that society.  Translated from Latin his phrase is "bread and cheap circuses."    Roman leadership wanted the public to follow them blindly and began their quest to dull the public.  How was it done? Cheap bread and circuses.  They gave the population the basic needs of life and slowly led them to ignorance. Cheap bread and circuses can be explained as: "To generate public approval, not by excellence, public service or policy, but by diversion, distraction or satisfying the most immediate and base requirements of the populace."  See an similarities between then and now? Many. The media is huge, panic news is on 24/7 in stores and households, celebrities and their movies