Off Track With Troy

Aaron Vovk Episode 4 - We talk about the subject most people shy from , Religion....but thats not all ( And Dont worry its not to churchy )



Welcome to Episode 4 , Normally I give a Time Line , but this time its going to be a  bit more general . First 5-7mins - My Intro to Aaron and me and Aaron back and forth  about gibber jabber Around the 8:30 Mark we talk about Jesus hanging with Hookers 15Min Mark Tough Questions Just Past 18 mins we chat about Social media being a issue Around 23min Mark " Before you point out the speck in my Eye you should Pull the Log out of yours "  GOOD STUFF 25 Min Mark wondering if People are still listening 27 Min Mark God Created you to be Beautiful The next 15 mins is all the Good stuff --- Support this podcast: