Off Track With Troy

Turning the Tables Interviewing Jed Taufer of the Podcast The Conversation - Talking about love of people , Adoption , and all things GOOD!!



00:00 - 03:00 we chitter chat  3:10 Goodness - "Greater is he thats in me" ( Hope I got that right) 4:25 God works through all of us 6:30 My Thanks to Jed for Podcasting me 7:35 Aasha Fund 7:50 Orphans in Nepal 11:20 Im Ashamed 12:00 Jed talks about a Humbling experience 13:30  Most humbling part of my Life 15:30 Learning Joy 16:36 Jed's a wordsmith 16:50 Lets Talk adoption 17:00 Why Jed and Vicki pick Nepal 20:05 Brief talk about their Journey 21:45 Advice about Adoption 22:50 Potential great Challenge and Joy 24:25 My Skin is different ( GREAT STORY ) 30:05 Right Place Right Time/People 35:25 My Challenge for people to Donate to Aasha Fund Stick around and listen to my recap after Jed and I end --- Support this podcast: