Coaching For Leaders

111: Wise Words That Can Help You Lead



Once in awhile, someone says something cool that we take throughout our lives to help us lead. On this show, wise words that can help you influence better. I share four stories that will help you lead more effectively. First story Take small bits of wisdom from others and then, over time, make it your own. Second story Be humble enough to realize what you don't know and get advice from the experts. Third story When you or others have missed a feedback opportunity, acknowledge it and move forward the correct way. Fourth story Be willing to change directions for a few minutes to make someone's day. Community Feedback Leave an audio message now USA: (949) 38-LEARN Twitter: #CFLshow I’m looking to chat with about 10 people to do a little R&D for my Course1 project for #CFLshow community. Contact me if both of the below are true for you: You’ve been a manager for less than 2 years. You work for a company or organization of more than 25 people. The new #CFLshow fe