Coaching For Leaders

105: How To Find A Mentor



Dave Stachowiak: Coaching for Leaders In Greek mythology, Mentor was a friend of Odysseus and was placed in charge of his son Telemachus when Odysseus left for war. Merriam-Webster's dictionary calls a mentor, "A trusted counselor or guide." What do you want to get from mentoring? Probably what you aren’t good at (or at least not yet) Plus, it's something that's important for you to get better at Advance planning Who do you know who's good at that? Are there multiple people? You don't have to know them today Your greatest mentors will never expect anything Identify specifically how someone can help and begin there Make a mind map of the people who could help Create a board of directors Getting Started Start off with a specific question Know that not everyone will respond or won’t be willing to help Wait on asking someone to “be a mentor” Everyone has a different context for this It could seem like a huge commitment It's awkward if they don't want to make that committment