Coaching For Leaders

64: Eight Ways to Get Results By Managing Up



Every one of us must face the challenge of influencing someone who managers us. While some people have a natural talent for this, most of us have a hard time getting started since doing this well is more of an art than a science. In this episode, Bonni and I discuss eight things you can do to influence in the correct way. Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Global: +1 (949) 385-3276 Twitter: @DaveStachowiak #CFLshow Bonni and I discuss our eight suggestions for managing up: 1) Support your manager publicly: Avoid gossip if you can, and when someone is truly trying to problem solve, do your best to help them understand each side of the situation instead of being critical. One of the fastest ways to lose trust with your manager is for them to discover you've been speaking poorly about them behind their backs. 2) Tell your manager what you are planning: It rarely is a problem to over communicate something...most people take the opposite position and don't communicate en