Coaching For Leaders

28: Get Out of People’s Way to Drive Productivity



Get Out of People's Way to Drive Productivity is the topic of this week's show. In episode #27, we looked at what we can do in order to coach others to be productive. Now, we're turning the focus on ourselves as leaders to examine what we might be going to get in the way of people's productivity. Community Feedback Move to Outcome Based Meetings "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion." - Cyril Parkinson Two Warning Signs: You can't figure out what to talk about. You're doing a data dump. What would awful thing would happen if we didn't meet today? Am I clear on what outcomes I want to have come out of this meeting? Move to outcome based meetings vs. schedule based meetings. You should have: Stated outcome Clear agenda Action items Align working environments with people Fortune Magazine says that drop-ins are the #1 productivity killer in offices Be conscious of how and where people like to work Put people on teams? By all means, assuming t