Coaching For Leaders

21: Your Strengths and Blind Spots



Our personality preferences influence every relationship we have, including those where we lead and coach. I welcome special guest and Innovate Learning senior facilitator Susan Gerke to discuss our strengths and blind spots in this episode. To reach me with questions, comments, or feedback: Susan and I discussed the spectrum of directing vs. informing language. Here are a few of the resources from Susan: Go Team Resources Upcoming Webinar facilitated by Susan Gerke and David Hutchens (information forthcoming at this link in early February) The I in Team by Susan Gerke Coming up later this month: Creating Your Personal Vision - January 23rd Your 2012 Action Plan - January 30th What do you want to hear? Leave feedback (see below). Listener Feedback I responded to a question from Fazila about the distinction between mentoring and coaching. Stay connected with this show on iTunes or on Facebook I'd love your feedback on this show as well