Tamahn Jamison

S.A.L.E.S. is Simple™ Podcast Ep:34



"I want to think about it" - these 6 words can send chills down the spine of a salesperson. It tells you that something didn't go right up to this point because customers only say "I want to think about it" when they really don't want to tell you what the real reason is. This episode talks about why the offering itself HAS to be PERFECT. PERFECT is defined as having all the required or desirable elements, qualities or characteristics. It is also defined as "as good as it is possible to be". The customer usually only wants to "think about it" when you E.xplain Your Value Proposition to them. And that only means that the value doesn't outweigh the investment in their minds yet. Because when it does, they will figure out a way to pay for what they really want. So focus on A.sking the Right Questions in order to L.and Them on the PERFECT Offering!