Tai Chi Chinese




搂膝拗步 Lǒu Xī Ào Bù: Brush knee twist step | 搂 Lǒu: Hug, embrace, drag, pull | 搂抱 Lǒu Bào: Hug, embrace | 膝 Xī: Knee | 膝盖 Xī Gài : Knee | 膝头 Xī Tóu: Knee | 膝下 Xī Xià: At the knee (in reference to children) | 拗 Ào: Bend, twist | 拗断 Ào Duàn: Break by twisting | 拗柴 Ào Chái: (Slang) Twist or sprain ankle | 步 Bù: Step, stage | 步行 Bù Xíng: Walk | 步法 Bù Fǎ: Footwork (sports, dancing) | 步伐 Bù Fá: Steps, march, pace | 步骤 Bù Zhòu: Steps, procedure | 步步高升 Bù Bù Gāo Shēng: Rise steadily | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |