Tai Chi Chinese




气功 Qì Gōng: System of breathing and meditation exercises, often part of martial arts training | 气 Qì: Gas, air, energy | 空气 Kōng Qì: Air, atmosphere | 天气 Tiān Qì: Weather | 气候 Qì Hòu: Climate, atmosphere, situation | 气象 Qì Xiàng: Atmosphere, meteorology | 气质 Qì Zhì: Temperament, personality, manners | 霸气 Bà Qì: Aggressiveness | 气管 Qì Guǎn: Windpipe, gas pipe | 吸管 Xī Guǎn: Straw | 吸气 Xī Qì: Breathe, inhale | 力气 Lì Qi: Strength | 元气 Yuán Qì: Strength, vigor, vitality | 工 Gōng: Work | 功 Gōng: Accomplishment, skill | 功能 Gōng Néng: Function, capability, feature | 功用 Gōng Yòng: Function, utility | 功效 Gōng Xiào: Effectiveness | 功劳 Gōng Láo: Contribution, credit | 功夫 Gōng Fū: Labor, work, effort, skill | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinesepodcast |