Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Crystal Grid for Emotional Healing Recipe



The following crystal grid for emotional healing recipe is from my book Crystals for Energy Healing. When I was writing this book, it was SO important to me to include practical, everyday activities for working with crystals.   I thought about some of the most common questions I get from students in my Crystal Healing Certification Program. So often, my students ask about working with crystals for physical ailments. However, frequently physical issues actually have energetic and emotional roots. These also need to be addressed. Working on just the physical symptoms may make you feel better for a time, but that alone won't get to the core of the issue, clearing it out once and for all. In my Crystal Healing Certification Program classes, we take a body, mind, spirit approach to healing with crystal energy. In fact, I have an entire lesson dedicated to emotional healing. I think it's so important (and is so often overlooked). This crystal grid recipe can be used to create emotional balance and stability as w