Saunders & Cash

Ep 058 Local Entrepreneur Takes the Leap Into Niche Publishing



If you want to hear an inspiring story of a hard luck guy growing up with limited resources, marrying young, putting family first and then when the time is right taking the leap into being an entrepreneur by becoming the local publisher of Medical Professionals, then tune in to hear this interview of Miguel Olave.  Miguel attended high school in Derby, Kansas and would have dropped out, except for a special teacher that took him under her wing and mentored him to complete high school and start to make a career for himself.  Miguel loves sales and people which helped make him successful in wireless and a solutions consultant for local wireless providers.  But Miguel realized he wanted more for his future and more for his family, so when the time was right, he become the local publisher for Medical Professionals, a unique lifestyle publication for local doctors and health care administrators. Miguel realized that medical professionals more than anyone, need to connect with each other, learn about other doctors