Saunders & Cash

Esp 049 Trusted Advisor Series Simplify My Numbers is The Best of Two Worlds



We can all agree most entrepreneurs are not accountants and many accountants are not really entrepreneurs. The best of two worlds is when you find that one guy who get its from both the world of understanding the challenges of entrepreneurship and the need to make sure that as an entrepreneur you understand your financial numbers.  In this interview with Fabrice Metan, the founder of we learn more about how an accountant who is also a successful entrepreneur might be the best trusted advisor when it comes to your financial numbers. Its like getting an outsourced Chief Financial Officer without the big salary.  Simplify My Numbers was founded with the goal to provide CFO and Accounting expertise to small business owners in a simplified and affordable way.  Fabrice has a strong background as a CFO with years of experience in industries where numbers matter tremendously and drive the entire ecosystem of the Business (Construction, Aircraft, Retail, etc.). The average small business owner stay